Corporate visual identity

Identify and choose it well

Choosing the visual identity of your company

A strong and recognizable identity is the basis of any successful business. But what makes a visual identity recognizable, effective and profitable? A real basic element for a company, the visual identity is absolutely crucial and its development must be carefully considered.

Applying all of a brand’s moral and business values ​​to visual media – whether tangible or intangible – to clearly identify, differentiate and promote a business. The identity of a brand is much more than a simple set of recognizable and transposable elements. It is a unique symbol that transcends media to imprint itself lastingly in the mind of the observer.

Why is a company’s identity important?

  • Differentiation. First of all, logically, it helps to differentiate companies from each other. Essential for positioning yourself correctly in the market and reaching the target customers.
  • The spirit. A company remaining a moral entity for most of the time, the visual of this one will be the real business card, the company personality. This will be intended to reveal feelings in the people around it.
  • Identification. A successful visual identity makes it possible to distinguish a brand among others and to establish a striking contact with the consumer. a recurring brand that is clearly identifiable to the customer will fit better into his memory. it is a question here of describing to you in an artistic way the raison d’être of the company by directly soliciting the emotions of the observer while avoiding long text. Take the example of Ryanair. The very bright colors chosen by the airline for its visual identity allow it to have a very wide impact and at a lower cost.

Brand colors

Many psychological studies have shown that colors have a significant and differentiated impact depending on which ones are chosen. A company’s visual identity will often feature a dominant color and a secondary color.

  • Blue tends to evoke confidence. It is indeed often found in the visual identity of banks, for example.
  • Yellow and red rather express activity, movement, intensity. These colors are preferred by companies organizing sporting events, for example.
  • White rather evokes wisdom


the typography of the company’s visual identity will also have a significant psychological impact on the customer. Lettering is a very powerful tool that marketers pay special attention to when choosing brand identity. The so-called “Serif” fonts (for which the letters have a “pointed end”) were used a lot at the beginning of the Internet and web-design because they were considered sophisticated. However, they have gradually been discarded in favor of “Sans Serif”. By making a small change to the font of its logo, Google caused a small earthquake on the web and in the world of web design in the early 2010s. Less aggressive and more readable, the sans-serif font and much more used in corporate visual identity these days.

The trend

The beginnings of Web-Design and the Internet have generally pushed communication agencies to create complex logos and visual identities, as if they had to prove their ability to make very elaborate visuals, often full of character. special, shadows, reliefs. In recent years the trend has reversed. The visual identity of brands has increasingly turned to simplistic, refined, minimalist forms without superfluous elements.

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